The point of this trip is to explore the natural and man made wonders of the USA and Canada, as well as grow our relationship with each other and with God. On the way, we will be keeping an eye out for where we might want to settle, long term.
Though we are financially fit, fiscally sound, and have enough coming in through Josh's work to "float the boat" while saving and tithing, there are always unexpected expenses and opportunities.
Though we are financially fit, fiscally sound, and have enough coming in through Josh's work to "float the boat" while saving and tithing, there are always unexpected expenses and opportunities.
If you wish to help support our quest, we ask nothing of you, directly. Simply click here, or on the link below, to access Amazon through our Affiliate page, the next time you shop there. 3-8% of the cost of your next purchase, within 24hrs, will head our way. It's that simple. Bookmark it, if you like, and help us with every purchase you make! :-)
There is no increase in cost to you, and you can, if you feel more comfortable, click the link and, then, go to Amazon by other means. As long as it is within the 24hr window, the first purchase will be credited to us and help support us from afar.
Note: None of the items purchased through this program can, legally, be for Morgan, Calcifer, Naga, or Josh.
Thank you for your readership and support, whether emotional, spiritual, temporal, or financial.
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