Monday, October 20, 2014


Odometer: 75,264.5

        So, since the last post, we have had a whirlwind journey. We went north, back up the 15 and found that, on second pass through, the area was very lovely, but didn’t grab us in the same way. After spending some time there, we decided that it was not where we were to be, so we were off south, to Butte!

        Now, Butte is an old mining town, high up in the Rockies, and…not for us. Though it was pretty in its own way, we were not enticed to stay on. Thus, on to Bozeman!

        Bozeman, now that’s a city. Here we are, nestled between 3 mountain ranges (or so). Snow topped peaks tempt us in every direction; there are parks around every bend; trees are everywhere! At this very moment, we are parked in a Wal-Mart parking lot, directly next to a park. It is pretty amazing, actually.

        Bozeman is a college town, home to Montana State University, and full of modern amenities which we are accustomed to and spoiled by. We managed to fit in several errands before stopping for the night, including Costco, Lowe’s, and the Gallatin National Forest Office. We spoke for a while with a very nice forest ranger, who pointed out some great camping spots in a canyon by some trailheads leading to waterfalls. We are at around 5,000 feet elevation, and the cool, brisk evening air is so refreshing!

        So, what’s the plan? We are heading up into the Rockies to the south, and will likely be out of communication range for the next few days. (Don’t expect to hear from us before Friday, at the earliest.)

        Did anything interesting happen? Aside from beautiful mountains and sweeping vistas, not really.


        So, with no further ado, I bid you all a fond goodnight. May your plans coalesce into bright happy things before you!

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