Saturday, October 18, 2014

Unusual Montanans and a Change in Plan

Odometer: 74,981.5

So, we aren't in Missoula anymore. We have, in fact, ventured forth, traveled through the Great Falls and trickled on down to Helena...Well, I guess trickled up to Helena, as we are up river, now.

We have passed through our absolutely favorite part of Montana (and the US) so far, in the stretch of interstate 15 in the middle 1/3 of the journey from Great Falls to Helena. The Missouri River was beautiful; the oaks, aspens, and other not-pines were gorgeous. The mountains were rocky (pun intended), jutting, and stupendous! Both Morgan and I felt like we could live among that landscape. Thus, starting tomorrow, we will be venturing back north to explore that region further. :-D

Now, the odd Montanans:
1. Whilst still in Missoula, we were parked at a Pilot Gas station for the night, and a gentlemen walked up to the bush/bark/grass bed beside our RV. He made eye contact and nodded to me, I assume, though what happened next makes me doubt this is the case.
     After said suspect eye contact, he turned, undid his fly and relieved himself on one of the bushes. I quietly put up the privacy screen, using it, for the first time, to keep private things out.

2. This very evening, but moments ago, whilst parked in a Wal-Mart parking lot, a bus labeled "Bozeman Health and Rehabilitation Center" pulled up next to us, but we think nothing of it. When the occupants begin to return from their run to Burger King, we realize that they look perfectly healthy and young. It was, in fact, a bus rented for a 21st birthday party, and, as such, we had the following conversation through the windows, accompanied by their hip-hop beats, making our RV a "mini," remote sub-woofer.

"Hey! Theirs a guy in there, and he's cool."
Other guy: "What?"
"There's a guy in there"-points to us-"and he waves!" He waves enthusiastically, and I wave back. "SEE!!!!!"
I smile and go back to what I was doing.
"Hey! WHERE ARE YOU FROM? SPELL IT OUT WITH YOUR HANDS - oh, he's opening the window."

We had a short conversation, during which I learned about the Birthday nature of their venture, and wished said celebrator a happy birthday. The one I was speaking to temporarily got his head stuck in the small bus window, but, thereafter, went back to party with his "crew."

A little while later, they kindly left us two beers on our front step, knocking to let us know of the gift, and my new friend loudly proclaimed his affection for me, as they drove off.

Now, you may think that this turned us off of parking lots: heck no! Both of these unusual experiences will provide laughter to my wife and I for years.

That is all I have, for now, but I couldn't pass the day without telling you how wrong I was about our time-frame in Missoula, and how much we are enjoying our stay to the east of that fair city.

May your random encounters be entertaining, and the scenery which backdrops your life be a showcase of wonder and excitement.

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