Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Day of Rest

Odometer: 73186.1
     The Lord blessed us with a day of rest, today. We woke to what sounded like rain, but wasn’t. Fog was thick on the forest, and it was condensing in the trees above our RV and dropping down sporadically. It was a glorious start to a wonderful day.
     We continued with breakfast, quick showers, and the unexpected pleasure of a call from Morgan’s dad. She was able to catch up with him while I buckled down the RV for our departure (on foot).
     When food was eaten and call completed, we took off down the road with nothing but ourselves and our puppies.

The puppies loved the trek.

We passed under many beautiful trees,

walked down a road that seemed to be from an Arthurian tale,

and let a helpful tree take our group picture. (He didn’t know how to zoom.)

All in all, it was a beautiful walk, and when we returned, we set about a multitude of little tasks, mainly the reorganization of the RV. Such things take several days to perfect once on the road, no matter how well they are done beforehand.

And that is it. We stayed close to home and found ourselves enjoying a true, unhindered day of rest.

May your own Sabbaths be plentiful, restful, and fulfilling.

P.S. I apologize to disappoint but network connection out here is such that my short compilation of the RV Renovation would not upload. Thus, I must wait to upload it another day, hopefully tomorrow. Thank you for your patience!

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