Wednesday, March 26, 2014

More Marvelous Mishaps

More Marvelous Mishaps
     We awoke, Monday morning, in the lovely City of Rocks, ready to head off into Arizona. We had a breakfast of berries and yogurt, but, unfortunately, the berries had frozen. Josh was able to enjoy the ice-cream-like breakfast, but I, Morgan, wanted mine to thaw. So, I decided to shower, first.
     While I was away, Josh received an urgent call, and had to step out. When he returned, he heard something heavy hit the floor, thus rushed inside. Everything looked in order, so he returned to his seat. Cal, however, started acting overly affectionate; this almost always indicates that he had done something wrong.
     While petting Cal, Josh noticed something white on his nose. That was odd. Then, he saw my breakfast, almost devoid of greek yogurt. Cal had climbed atop our counter, and tasted the sweet creaminess that is Kirkland brand. Needless to say, I had cereal instead.
     So, that was an interesting way to start the day.
     From there, we went back into Deming, NM, where we ran through three automotive stores, Walmart, and the Dollar Tree, doing various errands before returning to the interstate and continuing into Arizona.
     I take responsibility for the following events; Josh spoke of his concerns, and I urged him to ignore them.
     I had found a dispersed/primitive camping location in the Rincon Mountain Wilderness, a short ten or so miles off of the interstate. The road began paved, but then went to dirt. Encouraged by our short stint on dirt roads up at Bluff Springs, and somewhat at City of Rocks, I was confident that we would make it through. Josh described the road with many words, including: horrible, painful, and washboard. We got five miles in, going no more than 10 mph, finding the road to be inconsistent in both texture and terrain, when we heard a loud crash behind us.
     We both immediately looked, and saw two dogs moving about, seemingly started but unharmed. Josh asked, “What fell?” and, noticing the lack of anything above our counters, I stated, “The shelf”. Besides those words, I believe we were silent for at least ten minutes. Josh pulled off the road, onto a shoulder which was surprisingly flat, and I climbed into the back to inspect the damage. Our shelf had done a 180 flip, pulling out the wall and landing upside down on top of all of its contents.
    As I began pulling stuff out from under the shelf, I was surprised to find that nothing had been damaged. I only had games, towels, and lightweight cereal boxes up there, but nothing was squished, dented, or even open. Praise God! I arranged all of the contents to the side of the table, noticing some slight dings to our counter and the shelf itself. Josh came into the back at some point during this time, at which point I noticed he had taken care of the dogs, letting them out and giving them water, as well as checking the RV to make sure it was okay. We filled each other in on our prospective findings, and I was finally able to laugh.

     We called my aunt and uncle, asking if we could come a day early, since we had no means of resecuring the shelf, which had pulled all six of its screws clean out of the wall. It took up the entire length of our counter, so we could not easily cook. They very generously opened their home to us, and we are here, now, figuring out how to overcome these new problems, enjoying time with family, and marveling at the adventure we are having.


  1. Oh no! Sounds like you guys are having quite the adventure. I'll leave you with my favorite quote that I've been looking to lately when things get a little chaotic.... "If life was easy, where would all of the adventures be?"

    Take care and be safe, you four!


  2. Hey Kids - you are having quite the adventure. You are experiencing exactly what Paul and I have - some days, drive shorter and let it be ok because you stopped to see something unexpected. Take days off - it's good for the body and soul. Roll with it and laugh!! Do you know about Passport America? You can get 1/2 off in some RV parks with it. I'm blogging too - - check it out and let me know what you think. I'll now keep up with your journey - Happy Trails!!
