Friday, April 11, 2014

Catholes and Progress

        For those of you who don’t know, a cathole is a hole you dig to answer nature’s call, whilst camping away from any developed restrooms. Also, for those of you who don’t know, you should never wait to dig such until it is needed; doing so leads to much frantic scrambling for a good spot and great frustration at uncooperative soil. You have been warned.
        With that aside, we have had several notable accomplishments, over the last few days:
  1. Our transmission rebuild was a resounding success, and our little sunrader is happier than ever.
  2. Believe it or not, we have found a way to, occasionally, be paid to attend all you can eat buffets. Quick version? Many casinos have free players’ clubs which, upon signing up, grant you a free trip through their buffet, and some free play on their machines. So, as long as you stop when you use up all your free play you can, generally, come out at least a few dollars ahead. (i.e. with more than $0, since that is how much you came in with.) Note: If you wish to take advantage of this awesomeness, two bits of warning: First, not all casinos offer this, look on their website before making the trip. Second, never bet what you aren’t willing to lose, casinos make their millions by making people feel lucky, or like they have a clever system. ;)
  3. Since there seems to have been some confusion, let me clarify. I was not hurt during the dog fight mentioned in the last post- that is unless you count mildly sprained fingers. Also, as a point of order, the bulldog in question was roughly the size of Naga, so I am left wondering where such a giant beast came from.
  4. I installed a new car radio into our motor-home, allowing the linkage of our phones, and the playing of music off of thumb drives. I am left with a enduring irritation at manufacturers for not using standard plugs, even across like brands, and a satisfaction that I can, in fact, figure out wiring on the go…especially when each wire is conveniently color-coded.
  5. Morgan dug a cathole, for the first time, as we disperse camped, for the first time, and was exceptionally proud of the achievement. I, on the other hand, thought it a simple matter, until I found a need to penetrate the incredibly rocky, root-filled soil while in a hurry.
  6. As hinted above, we disperse camped for the first time, last night. (i.e. we stayed in a national forest, in undeveloped terrain, and I happily made a roaring fire with countless innocent pine-needles.)
  7. We are, currently, east of Flagstaff, AZ, and plan on visiting the giant meteor crater on the morrow.

        Now, I feel that I should have some, further, funny story to brighten your evening, but, instead, I have a summary of what we have learned, yet again:
        God’s timing is perfect. We may not understand why He allows our transmission to break, or delays us in some other way, but His way is always the best, and I am ashamed how often I am fool enough to fret at delays, which, as stated, turn out for the best.

        May God’s timing be evident in your lives, in the coming days, and may you never cease to marvel at how much better it is than your own.

1 comment:

  1. I spy Jesus in you! Great Photo and update!

    I am gaining a deeper understanding of our battles in this world by listening to Jimmy Low's sessions on Spiritual Warfare. Those fretting thoughts, when things don't go my way, are lies from the evil one. I can
    (a) agree and get carried away in sin or
    (b) I can refute them and stand on the word of God!!

    I CHOOSE (b)!!!!!

    Our battles are not against flesh and blood.... and Jesus said in Mark 16:17-18: These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

    Love and Blessings as you head to our home for Easter!
    Mom M. : )
